Tobacco Veg Tanned Baseball by Huntington Baseball Co.
Huntington Baseball Co from Boston, Mass. created these vegetable tanned baseballs a few years ago on a whim and since then they've been one of our top sellers. It's tough to top a vegetable tanned tooling leather in the looks/feel/smell department. Being the history fans that we are, this ball is a tip of the cap to many different eras, from the 19th-century-era leather choice, to the modern core, and a few styling nods in between. Treat it as you would any fine leather good, with wax, polish.... or spit. These beauties will burnish to a unique patina with age and use. Go have a catch.
Hand cut and hand sewn in the USA using premium US sourced leathers and materials. We dye our veg tanned leathers in-house. The cores are cushioned cork centers (Major League Spec), so go ahead and knock 'em around.